House of Forged The Force Shaft

House of Forged The Force Shaft
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House of Forged The Force Shaft Based upon the success of the NINJA shaft at last year? world long-drive championship, we went back to the R&D drawing board in order to completely design a new shaft to compliment the NINJA. While the NINJA shaft is directed toward long-drivers who have the desire and skill to effectively load and unload a shaft, this heavier, stronger (69-72) gram-weight ?he FORCE?shaft is intended to offer a lower launch with the maximum of tip-stability and torsional control at impact to deliver a boring ball-flight, less side-to-side dispersion, and optimal roll-out. To achieve that goal we reinforced a full 10 inches of tip section. We anticipate that this shaft will serve the needs of the very strongest long drivers, while also serving the needs of any long-driver who is looking to go down one-half or a full flex, while still maintaining control and an effective ball-flight. CPMWeightToruqueBendXXX275722.4High Products Code:HOF0040 Products Na.

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