Oakley Polarized FLAK JACKET XLJ Sunglasses

Oakley Polarized FLAK JACKET XLJ  Sunglasses
Check Price for Oakley Polarized FLAK JACKET XLJ  Sunglasses

Oakley Polarized Flak Jacket XLJ Sunglasses Sport professionals demand nothing less than the best, and we?e answered their challenge for decades. World-class athletes have driven us to create innovation after innovation, including interchangeable lens designs with unbeatable optical clarity. Flak Jacket XLJ sunglasses take that to the next level with the latest in performance technology. The lenses in this polarized edition of Flak Jacket XLJ are engineered to block the blinding rays of glare that are magnified by flat surfaces such as snow, water and pavement. Oakley uses a liquid infusion process to eliminate the haze and distortion found with ordinary polarized lenses. Optimized with Oakley polarization, Flak Jacket XLJ offers the best optical performance on the planet. Stays Ahead Of The Sun Flak Jacket XLJ lets you change lenses in seconds to optimize vision in any sport environment. Multiple lens colors are available, and all lenses feature the unbeatable clarity.

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